Starbound ship size comparison
Starbound ship size comparison

starbound ship size comparison

We’ve launched satellites, telescopes, space stations, and spacecrafts, all strapped to rocket-propelled launch vehicles that helped them breach our atmosphere. Starting in the mid-20th century, humanity has explored space faster than ever before. The SpaceX Starship might be the next rocket to take humans to the moon, but it won’t be the first, and likely not the last. Ships come with hangars and there are currently four hangars available (3 of which are purchasable as upgrades).The Size of The World’s Rockets, Past and Present VFG Industrial Hangar (upgrade from self land for $50).Revel & York Hangar (upgrade from self land for $40).Aeroview Hangar (upgrade from self land for $20).Self Land Hangar (comes with some ships).The starting hangars in order of value are: The following list was temporarily removed with the disappearance of the Voyager Direct store from the RSI website. The Freelancer comes with the Aeroview hangar which is the 2nd smallest while the Cutlass comes with the VFG Industrial hangar. Given the current price of the Cutlass Black with the Freelancer being more expensive and coming with a hangar of less value, coupled with the fact that the new Cutlass Rework has made the ship bigger in size, we recommend the Cutlass Black if you’re looking for the best possible hangar with your ship. The Cutlass Black comes with the more expensive hangar.We recommend the Cutlass Black for the following reasons: This information is extremely speculative until hangars reappear usable and purchasable in the PU.

starbound ship size comparison

The Cutlass Black is currently slightly cheaper which means that for an extra $10 you can upgrade to the Freelancer (but not the other way around).The Cutlass Black has just received a size increase with the latest rework (From Reddit).

Starbound ship size comparison