

But boy was Google right about that devoted following. “That was effectively the end of the Reader community.” Now Reader itself follows. It let readers share stories with each other, and comment on them too.” But the company removed that function in 2011, replacing it with an option to share on G+. “Reader gave users the ability to friend, follow and share stories with others. Reader’s popularity came not just from its innovative tools but from its social aspect, Wired’s Mat Honan points out. Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.In Google’s official announcement of the end of Reader, which it plans to mothball in July, it said the product had a “devoted following who will be very sad to see it go.” But usage had declined, and the company says it wants to focus more energy on fewer products. This project is not covered by the security advisory policy.Created by desmondmorris on 23 January 2012, updated 28 November 2014.Module categories: Third-party Integration.Maintainers monitor issues, but fast responses are not guaranteed. Library version detection in implementation of hook_api_libraries_info.This will be remain blocker for this project to get a "stable" release *CRITICAL* Implement a OAuth solution for authentication.Most will find that using Feeds is more appropriate. Hopefully this will prove useful for some of you. We decided to let Google Reader do all of the heavy lifting. Using Feeds was out of the question because of the overhead involved with storing items as nodes with fields (too many db rows per node). I was tasked with the requirement of aggregating hundreds of RSS feeds (a few hundred entries a day).


It is intended to be used by other modules. This module by itself is not very useful. It currently uses the library provided by Dmitrij Duhnich which he has shared here. This project exposes the Google Reader API for use within Drupal.
